Friday, August 17, 2012

My Last days at NIB

My whole exciting 2012 is yet not ended and its bringing to me more surprises I have ever expected.
This year MashaAllah I have been given opportunity to switch my employment from NIB to SCB.
It is indeed a great opportunity to avail, these days I am on my notice period with NIB and feeling little upset leaving organization where I worked for more than 6 years. There were few upsetting moments whereas there were some opportunities I got within NIB to flourish with my career. I still cannot forget my first dream came true because of NIB which was driving my own car, and then next dream to get apartment for my parents.

When I was switching to NIB, my entire team whom with I was working switched together it was not an individual move but of whole team, but moving to SCB is wholly solely my own step I have taken after consulting with my mentor who is always there to guide me in my career and personal life.

Its my last Ramzan and last Eid with NIB and for remembrance they have given me beautiful set of churian to celebrate eid.

I am happy as my bosses are happy too... and they are happy because I was deliverable.
I pray from Allah to guide me further in my life so that I should rise up more in respectful and in disciplined manner.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Visit to Sindbad Karachi

Hello Readers,

I have written blog on my another blog site about my latest visit at Sindbad Karachi, Please feel free to write a comment about it

Happy Reading!

Life at work

There are some days when you really don’t want to wake up and start your day with an image of a lot of file pending at work. This makes us lethargic and lazy to stand up and go. But when its your new dress, new shoes, new bag you will start waiting since night for the fabulous morning when you really want to catch some body’s eye.

This is life and you have to deal it with daily. But you can make your life easy going at work by applying few of my strategies at work so that you should not feel like to stay away and unattractive for your duties.


  1. You need to understand that wherever you are working it should be place where you really want to sit, for an example even if it’s a chair and a table with PC or laptop you can still make it little color ful with your up coming notes and pads placed on it.
  2. If you think messy desk will represent that you are busy, well that’s not today's deal by the way, if you like to have messy desks at work, please let me alert you it is not showing your qualities and devotion for your work, in fact it shows how much un organized person you can be for your supervisor. Try to file your important papers and make sure that you keep only needed docs on table. Try to write note or things to do in  small diary and keep it with you even you go for meetings. That will keep you updated and alert for your next assignment.
  3. Wear Watch, keep watch or calender at desk its important while you are heading for your next meeting, you should know how much time you have to finish pending task to move on for next. Its always better to mark important dates on calender for scheduling dates to avoid skipping any important work/ meeting/ training.
  4. If you have ever visited any country, any city or you have done any adventure in your life, place the photo on wall, it will keep you charged all day long.
  5. Try to take some break from work and take a round to canteen or rest room to feel fresh when you come back on your seat.


  1. Your own qualities and skills will be reflected if your ambiance has been taken care well, you will feel organized and hands on for your task at work.
  2. Believe in your self and keep your self updated by surfing news and economic updates on internet.
  3.  Please do not logged in on social networking site while you are at work, it seems that you are not ON yet for any other work.
  4. To grow in your life its important that after you finish with all task in hand take day off before owning to next assignment. It will make you feel fresh and not stressful for your next assignment.
  5. Bring every idea to your boss even if it feels LS to you, might this LS idea could become a reason for your next promotion.
  6. Be nice and gentle with everyone even with peon and guard, it will enhance your persona and inner satisfaction.

Next time it should not be only your new wardrobe a reason for your enthusiasm at work.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Freelance Photography

Since I have started exploring 2012 with fascination already I decided to take an another step into photography world.... I will be adding photos with their description for my readers to understand why I took that shot. I aim that I should at least by the end of this year add 100 photos.

so lets begin.....

The below photographs I took, when I was in AKU ( Aga Khan Univerity School of Nursing) (14th Jul-12), well I was attending my second day at camp where at lunch break below the serving table I saw these little little snails, they were total four, But I pictured  only one since he was little near to me and I was able to shoot him properly.

This picture I took for remembrance of my last camp I am attending with my District Team in Karachi. 
Let me tell you that AKU is the best place you must visit if you are in Karachi, when you enter you feel great sense of peace and love for Allah why? because of beauty in greenery around you, neat and clean roads. I wish the whole muddy and dusty Karachi could turn into same.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Luxury is now no more Expensive: Sigma Beauty

Luxury is now no more Expensive: Sigma Beauty: Dear All, I have become Sigma Beauty Affiliate and I would want my readers to start exploring Sigma beauty products through following lin...